Published 25 Apr 2020

When the office closure at Ingatestone Hall was announced in March, we also advised that all face to face training, support groups, young people’s training and the Voices group were all going to be suspended until the end of April at the earliest. We also advised that this would be reviewed before the end of April. It will be no surprise, following the government continuation of lockdown measures, that our face to face activities will now be suspended through until the end of May at the earliest.



However, we will be upping our service to you as best we can, and are looking at further virtual training options, more virtual support groups, and even more regular virtual Voices groups. We will also be trying to find all the best ways to help you, and I know the recently received gift in the post lifted you all, and your feedback and thanks in turn lifted the whole team, so thank you all. More importantly, thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to the young people in your care.

As Easter Holidays draw to a close for our young people, some will be returning to school, and some will not. For those not going back to school, please see the content below regarding the brand new, huge quantity of available content from the BBC, which in addition to our own resources complied by Vic, will provide a wide range of learning material, including whole lessons, for the coming weeks.

Andy Robins, Assistant Director.

Weekly Update on the Coronavirus

Affinity are at full strength in our staffing levels, we are happy to report, and all staff continue to work from home.

We are also happy to report that we now have no young people self-isolating with the only young person in self-isolation finishing their isolation yesterday, with all symptoms having passed. Both the foster carers, young person and other young people in the house all dealt with the situation amazingly well, credit to them all, and they are all back together again.


Affinity held their first Panel session virtually at the weekend, and we are delighted to welcome our new carers in Lincolnshire to the Affinity Family!

We have had a number of amazing carers retire recently, so if you know anyone who could join the A-team as a foster carer please give them a nudge to contact us – we are still conducting initial enquiries and visits virtually, and the referral fee for any recommendation is still in place.


BBC Education Provision

On Sunday 19th April Gavin Williamson, the Education Secretary announced that the BBC had developed e-sources for families as part of the most comprehensive education package in their history, available on TV and online. This is now live and accessible to all! Aimed at primary, secondary and Post 16+ ages, content and classes can be accessed by key stage and a whole array of daily lessons are available, with a multitude of lessons covering all your core subjects and then some! We strongly recommend that you make use of these provisions, alongside the great resources we have already made available through your Google Drive.


“Where I Live” Activity Project

As unveiled last week, Bethan, our Participation and Support Worker in Lincolnshire has produced a great project to help entertain and engage young people whilst going on their daily one hour walk or exercise outside (which is recommended for mental health and mindfulness) and helps to engage them in the area they live. We would love to see what your young people come up with, so please do send in your completed projects.


Social Media

Our social media continues to remain open and providing useful content, including sites and links for educational matter and interesting activities during this time, on our Instagram page and Facebook page. We are also, and will be providing more, useful blogs with similarly useful content and pieces to read of interest, so stay connected and tuned in!

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