Young People's Area!

Designed by young people, for young people!

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Stay savvy online
Stay savvy online
01 Feb 2024

We know! We can see you rolling your eyes. You’re sick of teachers, parents, carers, social workers and others telling you to be careful online. BUT (there’s always a but) it’s really important...

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School’s out for summer!
25 Jul 2023

You’ve probably been waiting all year for this. Now, finally the 6 weeks of summer stretch ahead of you. But summer can also be a bit tricky as you lose the routine that school brings and the...

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Don’t let being a young person in care limit your ambitions!
24 May 2023

With GCSEs and A-Levels results looming in the coming months, it can bring in to focus the worry of the future that young people feel.  For young adults in foster care, it can be felt even more...

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Staying Safe On The Internet - Internet Safety Day 2023
07 Feb 2023

Happy Internet Safety Day! Today is about learning how to stay safe and well on the internet. The internet is an incredible place that can be a fun and helpful place, but it's important to know how...

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Dealing with Bullies at School
17 Aug 2022

Firstly, you do not have to deal with this by yourself you have a support network which is here to help you!  If you are being bullied, please tell an adult; it can be someone like a teacher, a...

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Dream Big, Plan Hard, Do!
16 Aug 2022

Did you know that Steve Jobs and Nelson Mandela have both been in foster care at different times in their childhoods? The list of people that have made a significant mark on the world that were once...

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Mental Health for Teens
16 Aug 2022

Whether it is good or bad, we all have mental health!  Sometimes our mental health can need a little (or a lot) of support, or you may have a friend that is having a tough time of things at the...

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Let's Talk - About Sexual Health
16 Aug 2022

Is there anything you would rather do less than speak with the adults in your life about your sexual health?  It can feel awkward and embarrassing, or there never seems to be a good time to start...

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The art of budgeting! And why you need to know it...
16 Aug 2022

A huge step towards independence is learning the art of budgeting! Money is great to have, but if left unsupervised, it has a habit of disappearing.   Which if all you need to do is make sure you...

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Think U Know? Ages 8 - 10
16 Aug 2022

It is quite usual for someone of your age to spend a lot of time online, you could be messaging friends, making new friends whilst gaming or a whole host of other things!  However, when you are...

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Why Affinity are the best agency for new foster carers

Affinity Fostering were rated as Outstanding by Ofsted in 2022. In-fact we’ve been rated Outstanding in every inspection since we opened our agency!