Annual Affinity Young People's holiday - Alton Towers August 2021

Published 12 Oct 2021

Affinity’s Annual Young People's holiday took place this August, and was an enjoyable and special time for all who attended, making friends and having fun.


A break for young people, and a break for families

Every year we take a group of our young service users and family members on a trip, to get away and have a holiday to remember.

This also gives much-needed respite to our dedicated and hard-working foster carers.


Chosen by the young people taking part!

It’s the responsibility of our very own young person’s council group, ‘Voices,’ to choose the holiday, and for 2021 they selected Alton Towers as the destination for the three-day, two-night trip.


Getting to know you

Every year we hold a preliminary mixer event, so that our young people can spend some time together and bond before setting off on their adventures. This year the get-together was held on Blue Water beach.


Making memories

We were able to take over 30 young people along to Alton Towers this year, for thrills, spills, and some special times together, making life-long memories and forming new friendships.


We are already looking forward to planning next year’s fun and excitement! Who knows where our young people will choose to go in 2022…?


Get in touch to find out more about our work with young people and families

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