With staying at home an ongoing feature in everyone’s lives it is great to see the different ideas people are coming up with to create a bit of joy and entertainment for others. Following on from the Make a Rainbow there is now The Bear Hunt!
For those that are indoors; can you make a window display including a bear (although we are sure any stuff animal will be acceptable!)? You can make it as simple or as complicated as you like. Perhaps the bear is just sitting there staring out the window, perhaps he is having a tea party or perhaps, and this is our favourite, he has written messages in speech bubbles stuck up next to him.
For those that are outside, taking the opportunity to exercise for 30minutes, these displays give you something to hunt for, hopefully make you smile and talk about for a little while.
We would love for you to join in the bear hunt, send us your pictures and we can include them in the next newsletter!
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