Building a Nurturing Community for everyone in the Affinity Family

Published 17 May 2023

Fostering young people is not a one-person job; it takes a whole community to create an environment in which children and teenagers can grow and thrive. As an independent fostering agency, with an Ofsted outstanding rating, we can demonstrate that we understand the importance of building strong connections, and creating a community of people to provide the best possible support network for foster carers and the children they look after. Here at Affinity Fostering we take on the responsibility of providing the resources, connections, and support necessary to create a nurturing community for every member of the Affinity family.


The Importance of Community Support in Fostering

When young people are placed in foster care, they often face a wide range of challenges, from adapting to a new living situation to dealing with past trauma. A strong community can make all the difference in helping them overcome these obstacles and build a solid foundation for their future. Community support from Affinity plays a critical role in providing emotional, educational, and practical assistance to our fostering families, ensuring that the children they care for receive the love, stability, and guidance they need. Our foster carers get to know the whole Affinity team, each foster carer has a dedicated administrator who helps with all sorts of different tasks, from recording logs to IT help.  Our dedicated Participation and Support Team hold events and engages with both foster carers and our young people. Every foster carer has a dedicated Supervising Social Worker, who is with them every step of the way, and of course, there is the Affinity Management, who are not just names on a website, but a team of active and passionate individuals who attend events, support groups, and foster carers all know by names, have their phone numbers and who make sure they speak with regularly. 


Our Role in Building a Nurturing and Supportive Community for our foster carers.


Comprehensive Training and Education

Affinity is committed to providing comprehensive training and education to foster carers, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to create a nurturing environment for the children in their care. This includes understanding the unique needs of young people, learning effective communication strategies, and mastering techniques for managing challenging behaviours.

Connecting Foster Carers

By connecting foster carers with one another, we encourage the formation of a support network where foster carers can share experiences, offer advice, and provide emotional support. This sense of community helps foster carers feel less isolated and better equipped to handle the challenges of fostering. This is facilitated by our regional Nurturing Leads.

Collaborating with Local Resources and Services

We work closely with various local resources and services, such as schools, therapists, and medical professionals, to ensure that the young people in our care have access to the support and services they need. This collaboration helps to create a strong safety net for the young people in our care and enables their foster carers to focus on providing a loving and stable home.

Organising Events and Activities

We have an active social calendar for both foster carers and young people, organising events and activities that bring together the Affinity family, creating opportunities for children to build friendships and experience a sense of belonging within the community. These events can range from regional outings, keeping in touch days, men in foster care days, and an annual two day conference to name a few.  Additionally, we have a dedicated Participation and Support team that is dedicated to providing an extra layer of support, including providing activities for young people out of education, running our Summer Pot of Gold Scheme, and facilitating the Voices group.

Providing Ongoing Support

We understand that fostering is a journey, and here at Affinity, we are committed to providing ongoing support and guidance to foster carers and the young people in our care, throughout the process. Our dedicated team is always available to answer questions, address concerns, and offer advice, ensuring that foster carers have the support and resources they need to succeed. "...this is an agency that makes a significant positive difference for the children and young people it looks after. Sometimes, the children receive care that can only be described as life-changing.." - Ofsted.  Our foster carer forum is a vibrant community of foster carers, and our Keeping in Touch days are held regularly across the regions.  We ensure that our social workers have sensible workloads so they can provide bespoke support.


Fostering young people is a significant responsibility that takes more than just one person or family. It takes an entire community to provide the love, support, and resources necessary for children and teenagers to flourish. Here at Affinity, we are proud to play a vital role in building this nurturing community and providing the connections and support that foster carers, and the children they care for, need to thrive. By working together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of these young people and help them reach their full potential.

If you are interested in joining our fostering community, then please get in touch. 

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Affinity Fostering were rated as Outstanding by Ofsted in 2022. In-fact we’ve been rated Outstanding in every inspection since we opened our agency!