Foster Care Fortnight is approaching

Foster Care Fortnight
Published 04 May 2022

Every May, The Fostering Network runs Foster Care Fortnight to shine a spotlight on the amazing work that foster carers do. This year’s theme is #fosteringcommunities, celebrating the strength and resilience of everyone who works within the fostering community.

For Affinity, we believe that foster carers and everyone who supports them in helping children and young people grow and thrive, should be celebrated all year round. Our foster carers are real life superheroes, selflessly working within our communities to provide safe and nurturing spaces for the most vulnerable in our community. While they may not wear capes, they are the people who help children rediscover their childhood, learning the fun of being able to play (maybe in their own cape), giving them back their sparkle, and providing the stability that every child and young person deserves.

While entering foster care is a potentially traumatic situation for any child or young person, we like to think of it as a way of gently guiding them into a safe haven.  Short-term, respite or long term fostering
helps them rebuild their lives and grow stronger, these placements are a port in a storm. Unlike superheroes, foster carers don’t just swoop in and fix everything in one go. Instead, they work hard to build trusting and caring relationships over a period of time. The whole fostering team, they play the long game, and this includes the full journey that a child or young person which can include short term placements and respite care. 

But, like superheroes, foster carers show immense strength and resilience, averting disasters, wiping away tears, patiently dealing with anger and challenging behaviour, starting each day afresh, providing a safe place for a stranger to grow and thrive in. It’s awe inspiring.

Which is why Affinity think that the fostering community should be celebrated all year round. We try our best to look after our Affinity Family and we love to bring our foster carers together to share their experiences. No-one at Affinity ever feels alone. Every year we bring our carers together for a two-day conference where they can bond with other carers and our staff, have a well-earned break, and let their hair down. Our Senior Management Team also run regular keeping up days, providing the opportunity for a chat over a bite to eat. Letting our carers know that they are supported and are a part of a community makes it easier for them to help children reach ‘Affinity and beyond’.

We’re always looking for people to join our Affinity Family and we welcome applicants from all backgrounds and walks of life. All that we ask is that you have a spare room for someone to make their safe space and that you have the patience, sense of humour and listening skills that children look for in the superheroes in their lives. If you do, then we’d love to hear from you.

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