Stand Out sites this week - Week Starting 27th April 2020

Published 30 Apr 2020

We have a great selection of sites to share this week!  

Stand Out sites this week - Week Starting 27th April 2020


Encounter Edu free live Pioneering Lessons of Adventure.

Encounter Edu is bringing learning to life, connecting students at various keystages with explorers and scientists. Upcoming live lessons include Habitat Exploration for Keystage 3 at 9.30am this Thursday 30th April, and Friday’s lesson is on Hydrology and Flooding for Keystage 5.

Next week sees the focus shift to the Arctic, with 13 live lessons over the week,  including live sessions from Nick Cox, the Arctic Research Station Leader. All lessons have downloadable content to prepare for and keep, and all lessons are free. You just need to sign up!


The Great Bug Hunt 2020

For young people and adults alike, this challenge is pretty simple. Take your young people into the garden and see what bugs you can find! Simply point them at the nearest hedge, flower bed, tree, long grass, logs, stones, rocks (well, you get the picture) ... let them explore and then record what they have found. Run jointly by the Association for Science Education and the Royal Entomological Society, this hunt doesn’t close until June, and if you submit your findings in a project (with details on the webpage below) you could even win a prize!


Podcast – A Kids Guide to Coronavirus with Dr Ranj.

On this podcast, Dr Ranj (from children’s TV fame and who is an NHS doctor specialising in the wellbeing of young people) answers a bunch of questions on Coronavirus posed by some very inquisitive young people on this podcast, which is available on Global Player app.


BBC Education Provision

As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, but too good to not mention it again, the BBC have developed e-sources for families as part of the most comprehensive education package in their history, available on TV and online. This is live and accessible to all, and available for primary, secondary and Post 16+ ages. Content and classes can be accessed by key stage and a whole array of daily lessons are available, with a multitude of lessons covering all your core subjects and then some! We strongly recommend that you make use of these provisions, alongside the great resources we have already made available through Affinity and available on your Google Drive. 


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