Our lad did alWight!

Published 16 Jan 2024

You may remember, we blogged about one of our young people, James* back in October. James was one of the young people we took to the Isle of Wight last Summer to participate in a residential trip with UKSA (UK Sailing Academy). UKSA is a maritime youth charity and training centre of excellence that supports children and young people to access activities and training for careers at sea.

“As we do with all the events we put on for our children and young people, we spoke to James after the trip to get his feedback,” says Vicky Sellen, Head of Engagement. “It was clear he’d been really inspired by the trip, and we knew we had an opportunity here to positively influence James’ life.”

The team at Affinity approached UKSA and the placing Local Authority for James and started to get a plan into motion. James was offered a 12-week Watersports Instructor Programme through UKSA in the Isle of Wight. Affinity and Havering Council agreed to fund the course and James was all set!

12 weeks is a long time in the life of a 16-year-old. James really did have to show some hard work, commitment and grit to stay the course. But stay the course he did, with the incredible support of UKSA, and this week Affinity Director Andy joined Vicky in congratulating James for the certificates he has earned.

It’s what fostering at Affinity is all about!

“One of the many reasons Affinity is so successful in securing the best outcomes for children, and why Ofsted rate us as Outstanding, is that we do work so hard with other professionals to advocate for the needs of the children and to support the team surrounding the child to contribute to the very best care and nurture,” says Andy. “Our vision has always been to enhance and empower young lives, to make a real difference. Achievements like James’ really help remind us why we do what we do.”

The team at Affinity knows that success is never won in isolation. James has been looked after by Affinity Foster Carers for several years. He has been on the receiving end of some excellent care and has been encouraged to reach his potential. The team at Affinity has also been a consistent presence and has been able to work well with Havering to ensure that James’ needs have been understood and responded to.

Of course, the most heartfelt pat on the back needs to go to James. There is great wisdom in recognising an opportunity and grasping it with both hands. This is absolutely what James has done. With the support of Affinity, he is now looking for further opportunities with UKSA, which will allow him to gain experience and qualifications to apply for various job opportunities within the maritime sectors.

We congratulate you James, we celebrate your success with you, and we wish you every success in building on your hard work in the future. I know everyone reading this will join the Affinity family in wishing you all the very best for the bright future that lies ahead of you.

*name has been changed.

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