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14 Apr 2020

Foreword - 8th April 2020 Most of you may have seen in the news yesterday and this morning, that the projected 3-week lockdown will now be extended, with a date as to when, yet to be determined....

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Strategies to deal with adversity and improve resilience
Strategies to deal with adversity and improve resilience
14 Apr 2020

Building resilience and strategies to deal with adversity are important lessons for any child, but are particularly vital for children and young people living in care. Over the last few weeks we’ve...

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The Importance of Self Care in Isolation
The Importance of Self Care in Isolation
04 Apr 2020

This period has been tough for everyone. Our way of life that was once routine has changed and adapted to our daily changing world. However, we can all agree that we are all going through this...

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Stand Out supportive sites this week - Starting 30th March 2020
Stand Out supportive sites this week - Starting 30th March 2020
04 Apr 2020

Every week we are finding incredible resources, both new and old and sharing them on our Facebook and Instagram pages,  and in our weekly newsletter.  Below are some of the standout sites this week!...

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Are you joining the Bear Hunt?
Are you joining the Bear Hunt?
01 Apr 2020

With staying at home an ongoing feature in everyone’s lives it is great to see the different ideas people are coming up with to create a bit of joy and entertainment for others. Following on from...

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Let’s use Creativity2Combat COVID-19!
Let’s use Creativity2Combat COVID-19!
30 Mar 2020

Creativity Cures is putting together a creative journal and are inviting young people to be part of it! Any young person (4-18) using any medium they want, crayon, pencil, markers or pens through...

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Can you help brighten your street?
Can you help brighten your street?
24 Mar 2020

Ideas are springing up on social media constantly at the moment, ways to fill and enjoy time with children as well as spread joy and hope to the community.  One way which is catching on is the...

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Staying Entertained in Isolation!
Staying Entertained in Isolation!
21 Mar 2020

With the isolation and school closures looming in the future the question turns to how do we keep young people entertained? While there are the obvious options of YouTube and other video streaming...

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Independent Living
Independent Living
18 Mar 2020

Moving out of home as an 18-year-old teenager can be difficult at the best of times, but for a young person with care experience it can be a massive leap into the unknown. Aside from the fact that...

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Corona Virus -  Helpful guides for children
Corona Virus - Helpful guides for children
17 Mar 2020

News and information on the Corona Virus and the Covid 19 Disease it causes is everywhere, but it is designed for adults to hear and understand.  Unsurprisingly, young people are becoming...

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Affinity Fostering were rated as Outstanding by Ofsted in 2022. In-fact we’ve been rated Outstanding in every inspection since we opened our agency!