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Black History Month reminds us that we need more carers from black and mixed ethnicity backgrounds
Black History Month reminds us that we need more carers from black and mixed ethnicity backgrounds
07 Oct 2021

Black History Month is a time for all of us to sit and reflect on the impact that past actions have had on black and minority ethnicity people living within our society. The past is something that...

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Affinity Face-to-face Craft Day Summer 2021
Affinity Face-to-face Craft Day Summer 2021
12 Oct 2021

During lockdown we had to exercise all our ingenuity to come up with ways for the Affinity family to keep in touch and spend time together, despite the restrictions. One very successful way we found...

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Lincolnshire and Kent Affinity Family Days Out: Summer 2021
Lincolnshire and Kent Affinity Family Days Out: Summer 2021
12 Oct 2021

At long last, this summer saw the beginning of being able to return to "normal" and here at Affinity, we didn't waste any time in catching up on some much-needed fun and bonding times with our...

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Annual Affinity Young People's holiday - Alton Towers August 2021
Annual Affinity Young People's holiday - Alton Towers August 2021
12 Oct 2021

Affinity’s Annual Young People's holiday took place this August, and was an enjoyable and special time for all who attended, making friends and having fun.   A break for young people, and a...

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Annual ‘Men in Foster Care’ event – Celebrating Affinity’s Incredible Men
Annual ‘Men in Foster Care’ event – Celebrating Affinity’s Incredible Men
12 Oct 2021

We take a day every year to focus on the amazing men who form part of our Affinity family, for fun, team bonding, and to look at the issues and concerns affecting their role as foster carers. Men...

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Guidance for completing Form F
Guidance for completing Form F
17 Sep 2021

A successful foster carer application goes far beyond you deciding that you’d like to foster a child or young person and us nodding and saying, “yes, they’d be great foster carers”. You also...

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Attachment: How our team build healthy and secure relationships with our young people
Attachment: How our team build healthy and secure relationships with our young people
17 Sep 2021

For children and young people, the relationships we have with adults in our lives can have an ongoing impact on our development all the way into adulthood. As babies, we are born with a biological...

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It is time for the Summer Pot of Gold 2021!
It is time for the Summer Pot of Gold 2021!
13 Jul 2021

We love summer and we love giving that bit extra to the young people in our care and the other children in the household.  That is why we are running our Summer Pot of Gold again this year.  We...

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Support and advice for filling in a fostering application form
Support and advice for filling in a fostering application form
08 Jul 2021

Deciding to become a foster carer doesn’t happen overnight. There are long discussions to be had at home, questioning if you will be good at looking after a child that could be traumatised....

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A very warm welcome to Essex from our Senior Supervising Social Worker
A very warm welcome to Essex from our Senior Supervising Social Worker
28 Jun 2021

My journey into social care was very fast-paced; I completed my time at school, college and went straight into university at 18 years old. At first, I did not tell my family I had applied to become a...

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Why Affinity are the best agency for new foster carers

Affinity Fostering were rated as Outstanding by Ofsted in 2022. In-fact we’ve been rated Outstanding in every inspection since we opened our agency!